Updates on RNA isolation progress, DecaPod progress, and Data management plan.

RNA isolation

I’ll continue isolating the RNA from the subset of samples that I selected from crabs that survived the experiment.

I will also be running the Qubit on ALL of the samples within that subset so that we have a quanitification of the RNA in each sample.

DecaPod Podcast

I have begun the editing process on all three recording files I currently have.

I will edit and publish Episode 4 (RNA isolation update) tomorrow.

I will edit today’s Crab meeting #2 recording, and it will become episode 5.

I will also edit the background information on the project that I recorded with Pam today and potentially add some information on the experimental design and that will become episode 1.

Data management

I will be working on creating a complete master sheet that will include EVERYTHING: morphology data, hemolypmh sampling data, RNA isolation and Qubit data

I will also add the Qubit result data to the spreadsheet containing the subset of crab sample information of those that I am currently isolating RNA with.


  • Run Qubit on ALL samples I have isolated RNA from so far
  • Edit and publish Episode 4 (RNA isolation podcast)
  • Isolate RNA from the next batch of 9 samples