Updates on RNA isolation and Qubit progress and DecaPod progress and plan. Finally post S1E1 on project background!

Qubit and RNA isolation

I ran Qubit yesterday on 14 tubes that I had previously isolated RNA from. The results are: Here and Here

Today, I ran Qubit on two samples that I isolated RNA from in the early stages of this process. This means that the protocol I used was different than the one I currently am using. There are less centrifuge and mixing steps. However, I ran them on the Qubit because I somehow ended up choosing those two crabs as part of the subset of surviving crabs for my current RNA isolation samples.

To demonstrate a little more clearly what I mean: Below is the subset of hemolymph samples I chose to isolate RNA from:

The two samples (88 and 36) highlighted are samples that I tried out the protocol on a little over a month ago or so.

I had not intended to select samples that I had already isolated for the subset, but I mistakenly did. The Qubit results were good, though.
Tube 36 –> 4.16 ng/µL
Tube 88 –> 2.81 ng/µL

I am going to have to ask Sam and/or Steven about whether I should pick a different set of samples becuase the RNA isolation protocol was slightly different between what I used on tube 88 and 36 and what I am currently using.


I published episode 1 FINALLY! Pam and I sat down at the end of last week’s crab meeting #2 to record a little background info.

Now that that is finally finished, I am going to start editing the other recordings I have and release one next week, and the other the following week.

I have the recording of Crab Mtg #2 (next week’s podcast)
and another of Pam answering some of my questions about the experimental design as well as some questions that others have asked me and I was unable to answer.