Yesterday and today I got some more 2015 DIA paper-related tasks done, including making a table that includes the proteins detected above a log2FC of 3.00 and below -3.00, and one that was annotated…
Tasks completed
- Uploaded the skyline daily .zip file to the Roberts Lab PanoramaWeb in a new folder entitled “2015-DIA-Cgigas-seed”.
- Updated links in the GitHub paper-pacific.oyster-larvae/protocols
Threshold protein lists
Yesterday I made one without annotation. 20190403-2015Cgseed-protcomp.csv 26 proteins.
Today I made one with Steven’s annotated protein list. 20 proteins.
We cross-referenced the 20190403-2015Cgseed-protcomp.csv with Steven’s pivot table created from 0403-DIA-Cgseed.csv and determined that if the log2FC number is negative, it’s 23C, and if the log2FC is positive, it’s 29C.
Weekend and next week tasks
- Keep working on paper (intro, methods, discussion)
- Get results for the paper figured out- do I include the phenotype data even though the 29C data is pooled from 7 silos…?
- Get repository to the point where it only has the important information. I still think I have too much stuff in there. But once everything is finished, it’ll be easier to ID what needs to stay and what needs to go.