Received RNAseq data from Genewiz/Azenta for the Multi-Species experiment. Started data transfer 1:25pm.

Transferring Data

Using the guide here, I used the option with CyberDuck because that’s what I used for the 2021 and 2022 dataset, and it’s still a recommended method of file transfer.

The data is being transferred onto the conference room computer in the Documents folder for Pycnopodia helianthoides RNAseq. The other two projects’ raw files are in that folder as well.

Once downloaded, I’ll check that it was done correctly, and then upload them onto OWL:, where they’ll sit with the other P. helianthoides RNAseq datasets, waiting to be analyzed!

Important Note:

From the sequencing facility: “Sample PSC-0559 did not have a enough reads to meet your project specifications and so we proactively conducted additional sequencing. The additional data should be available for downloading soon, once the transfer is completed.”

PSC-0559 is a Dermasterias imbricata.

Project GitHub repository: here