This coming week:
- Finish extracting RNA for pools by next week
- Select samples for 6 pools
- Day 9 infected
- Day 9 uninfected
- Day 12, cold, infected
- Day 12, cold, uninfected
- Day 12, warm, infected
- Day 12, warm, uninfected
- Run those samples for pooling on bioanalyzer; if they look good, pool samples
- Have 6 pooled samples ready to send over to NWGC by end of next week
Rest of month:
- Assemble and annotate 4 transcriptomes we received data for (Day 12 infected, Day 12 uninfected, Day 26 infected, and Day 26 unninfected)
- Have some results ready to present for GSS (November 14th - my talk is at 1:30pm)
- Keep updating crab paper
Oyster project
- FINISH PAPER!! October ended way sooner than I was expecting. Finish it ASAP so that I can send it off somewhere (Scientific Reports?) and focus on crab project
- Clean up repo
MS SAFS Duties
- Once crab extractions and sample pooling is done, finish MS proposal
- Submit MS proposal (Chapter 1: Oyster; Chapter 2: Crab) and Plan of Study to school
One Health Certificate
- Come up with plan of when I’ll do my capstone (likely Spring quarter)
Make sure I have a TA position lined up for Winter 2020 (waiting to hear back for one)