Dates and links to my old notebook posts on when I spun down the hemolymph samples from Pam.

Received Green-cap and pink-cap samples on 11/13/17

December 11, 2017: Grace processed green-capped samples (spun down at 5000g for 10 min, saved supernatant and pellets in separate tubes) and placed in -80 tray 8 and 10. The green-cap samples were taken on 11/08/2017

December 12, 2017: Grace processed pink-capped samples (spun down at 5000g for 10 min, saved supernatant and pellets in separate tubes) and placed in -80 tray 14 The pink-cap samples were taken on 11/10/2017

December 15, 2017: Grace sampled 50µl of hemolymph/RNAlater mixture for Pam. 117 samples total, for the 117 crabs that survived the project.

December 19-20, 2017: Grace processed yellow-capped samples (spun down at 5000g for 10 min, saved supernatant and pellets in separate tubes) and placed in -80 tray 14 Pam retreieved the 50µl hemolymph/RNAlater samples this morning. The yellow-cap samples were taken on 11/27/2017