- Work on new results to share at NSA (my talk is March 30th 3:45pm EST)
- Start manuscript for real! Friday morning lab writing blocks for Pubathon “The Panic Edition” will help!
- Analyses
- After all my TA duties are done (will be done by March 20th!!) start helping with qPCR, etc.
- FINISH PAPER BEFORE MY TRIP ON MARCH 20th!!! Again, Pubathon writing blocks will help me get this done!!
- After TA duties are done, start blocking out specific chunks every week that I’ll do my capstone
- Set MS defense date
- Didn’t really do much except provide samples for Sam to prep for qPCR
- got feedback from Steven and have a plan to get this done!
- submitted SAFS fellowship app, AND app for JISAO spring quarter funding