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Crab Analyses Progress

I made some progress in getting new results for the crab part of my thesis. I ran DESeq2 on libraries 8-11 based on infection, but taking temperature into account. I then took those results and contrasted the two temperature treatments to get an effect of temperature on infection gene expression.... [Read More]

Heatmap Practice

Today I’ve been playing with heatmaps and have been able to make quite a few. Now, I’m just going to keep making a bunch from the individual crab RNAseq data to see if there are any interesting patterns. However, I am struggling to get the Trinity ID counts from the... [Read More]

New DEG list comparing temperature - annotation, enrichment; annotation of oyster differentially abundant protein list

Today I worked with the new DEG list from DESeq2 - comparing elevated (10˚C) and decreased (4˚C) temperature treatments. Annotated with uniprot-SP-GO and used DAVID to get enriched biological processes. Additionally, since it could be interesting to compare between oyster and crab projects, I annotated the list of differentially abundant... [Read More]