Updates on writing and figures and goals for this week!


I got bogged down in overthinking and too many details for a while… and got stumped.

But, Steven and I meet once a week on Mondays to identify weekly goals for the paper, and that’s been helping me a lot.

Last week, I focused on two discussion paragraphs and got them written down!

Paper Figures Updates:

R code: 26-visualizations.Rmd

Top 9 Enriched Biological GO Terms Figure

These terms are enriched from the shared list of DEGs (4,114 DEGs) between the two years (exp A (2021) and exp B (2022)).


X-axis is fold enrichment for the term, and color is the counts.

Disease Progression Timeline

For Experiment A (Experiment B will be next - focusing on this one first to get formatting and labeling all good).

Used this example to create my own timeline.


It’s almost where I want it… I just need to figure out how to add labels to y-axis… just two labels covering the samples that are Exposed (top 8 rows) and the Controls (bottom 8 rows).

Paper goals for this week:

  1. Discussion paragraph about what this study means in context of the disease.
  2. Fix top9 enriched processes figure to be Fold Enrichment on x-axis, and color by counts (did this today and it’s in the above section).
  3. Introduction paragraph about the importance of this project - ecological importance of Pycnopodia helianthoides - why do we care about them.