I have no idea what happened to the month of June… but I’ll note some things that I’ve done from my May goals in this post.

Oyster Paper

I made a pie of GOslim terms (one of the last month’s goals), and have been very slowly chipping away at reorganizing the oyster repo.

Goals for oyster paper: continue to improve the oyster repo and finish that task!! And improve the discussion in the paper.

Crab Paper

We submitted the paper to Marine Biotechnology… I haven’t heard anything about it’s progress, so I’ll check in with Steven about that and see what’s next!


JPG Lab:

  • Send out the RNA samples to the sequencing facility
  • Finish up DNA extractions before I leave for Marrowstone

SR Lab:

  • Finish organizing the crab samples in the -80 before I leave for Marrowstone

MARROWSTONE: I’m heading to Marrowstone Island (USGS Marrowstone Field Station) on July 18th to help work on a project trying to understand the immune response of pycnopodia to the pathogen that causes sea star wasting disease. I’m hoping I’ll be able to continue lab notebook posts while I do that job, so there may be more info coming about that job soon. I’ll still be working for Steven’s lab as well, so I’ll continue to work on my oyster paper goals if I don’t complete them before I leave for Marrowstone.