Yesterday I shared some preliminary thoughts (in a GitHub issue and detailed below) on what we can do for our first Crab RNA-Seq library. Today I learned - through a whole mess of comments on a GitHub Issue because my stuff isn’t organized well - how to merge data in...
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New Plan - Lyophilizer; DIA Github Issue
Today I met with Steven and Sam to make a new plan for the crab RNA problem. We’re going to use the lyophilizer (freeze drying machine that goes below -80˚C) on 8 new pelleted hemolymph samples from Day 26; 8 supernatant samples that correspond to those 8 pelleted; and a...
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Learning code to change Factors to numbers
Today I noticed that the code Yaamini showed me yesterday to change the “tube_number” column values in the 20180522-all-crabs-hemo.csv from Factor to numeric ended up changing the tube numbers, which meant that the spreadsheet I made yesterday was wrong. So, Sam taught me how to make the “tube_number” column from...
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Hemolymph sampling and Qubit data spreadsheet; Samples for Sam to run RNeasy Mini Plus Kit
I am picking some samples for Sam to use an RNeasy Mini Plus Kit on. They are from Day 26 (samples were taken in triplicate), and 10 were picked from each of the following groups: uninfected, cold; infected, cold; uninfected, ambient; infected, ambient. I also made a spreadsheet that contains...
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August Goals
Crab Project:
Continue working with Sam and Steven to find solutions for the RNA isolation issues I had
Finish creating a good, readable spreadsheet of all the crab data
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