CRAB RNA POOLS: Today I started using the Speed Vac on the three pools with Sam. They were running on low temperature from 10:30am to 1:15pm. Not much liquid had evaporated. From 1:15pm-3:15pm they were run on medium temperature. Still not enough liquid has evaporated, so Sam will put them...
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Making Pools for RNASeq, and working on an ultimate MASTER crab spreadsheet
This post is a summation of what I did this week. I made the 3 pools for RNASeq (speed vac will happen Tuesday when both Sam and I are in), and am starting to create an ultimate master crab spreadsheet with ALL the data that we have on this project....
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Notes from Crab Meeting
Today we had our 4th crab meeting and discussed our short-term sequencing plan for 3 libraries (1: day 9 uninfected; 2: day 9 infected; and 3:a “masterpool” from the reamining 10 treatments). We also discussed our plan going forward with qPCR and creating libraries later and we hopefully will see...
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New Crab Pooling Plan for RNA Seq
Today I met with Sam and Steven a couple times to figure out what we’re going to discuss this Thursday with Pam. Steven and Sam have come up with three pools that we feel are a good place to start because unfortunately there’s not enough RNA to do the original...
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Learning more about Trinity and working with large data sets; Update on Skyline issue
Today I read more about using Trinity and functional genomics as well as got some information back from Nick from Skyline in regards to my high error rate in peak-picking.
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