Summer 2021-2022 RNAseq alignment update, multispecies github repo update…


Um… ok. So a while back there was an issue where the space on Raven was too low to complete some tasks.. and I think it turns out one of those tasks was when I was running a code chunk to create SAM files… because it did it successfully for some, but the remaining files are 0B… and they shouldn’t be.

So, since I cleaned up a bunch of space on Raven as per Sam’s advice from this issue, I’m re-running that chunk and hopefully that’ll create all the files needed to then move on to the next steps in the code.

Summer 2023 Multi-Speccies

Since I’m waiting for the above code to run, I adjusted my focus to getting the multi-species GitHub repo ready and organized. The RNAseq data is still not available yet.

Check out where I’m at: project-pycno-multispecies-2023

I’ll add cool photos and things eventually, but I just wanted to get some words out to start. Not too much is written yet because I spent most of the time revisiting my notes before I write anything into the readme files - want to make sure I’m writing real true things!


We had our first lab meeting today post-summer, and part of it was people provided ideas/suggestions/reminders of cool things, and Ariana suggested that creating a linktree is a cool way to have a digital business card… so I quickly just made one… I’ll fix it up later:

But I’ll model it off of what Ariana created, because I love what she did: