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November Goals

Crab Project RNA extractions and Libraries (Get this done before I go home Dec 21st) Come up with RNA extraction plan for the remaining libraries Perform extractions using Qiagen RNeasy Plus Micro Kit Data organization Create new R scripts for adding new Qubit results data to a master file combining... [Read More]

Re-run Trinity with correct files

Today I re-ran Trinity because the original files I used that I downloaded to my computer from nightingales were too small and not .fastq.gz. Sam showed me how to do rsync from nightingales to mox. I also am working on doing a BLAST with the finished Trinity.fasta that is too... [Read More]

Sent First Trinity Assembly Job to Mox!

Today, with Steven’s guidance, I sent the first job to mox! I am not sure if it will work, but I have it set up to get email notification when the job finishes. Below I provide the link to the .sh script to run Trinity as well as the command... [Read More]