I’ve been sick the past several days, and I’m finally feeling well enough to come in to SAFS. Today, since I’m still not back to normal, I spent the day reading some background information on SRM, Targeted proteomics, and general crab biology. I also outline some goals I have from...
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Gave Pooled Sample to the NWGC for Library Prep and RNA-Seq!
Today I finished speed vac-ing (medium heat) the pooled sample. It ended up being too low of volume (14.1ul), so I added 40.9ul of 0.1% DEPC-treated H20. I ran 2ul of the sample on Qubit (RNA HS), and got a reading of 20.4 ul (1,081 ng RNA in the sample)!!!!...
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Speed Vac New Pool of 15 Samples
Today I speed vac-ed the new pool of 15 samples for a little over three hours. There is still more than 50ul in the tube, so I’ll put it back in the speed vac as soon as I am in tomorrow morning.
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New Hemolymp sample and Qubit file; New RNA-seq short-term plan
Today Sam, Steven, and I met and decided to pool the 15 samples that had quantifiable RNA (Qubit RNA HS results) from the 40 samples that Sam processed using the Qiagen RNEasy Mini Plus Kit into one sample to be sequenced. Also, they both helped me learn more about data...
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Streamlining Processing of Adding Qubit data to Master file
Today I played around with GitHub and R Projects. I’ve figured out a way of making adding Qubit results to my hemolymph and Qubit results master file more easy. It isn’t perfect and there are likely some things that I don’t know about that could make it easier, but I’ve...
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