Today I ran the Bioanalyzer on the samples Sam isolated RNA from months ago using RNAzol RT as well as some of the RNA isolated from samples that I have done. The results were not good - no dye showed up, so maybe I did it wrong. TBD. Also, Sam...
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Trying out RNA protocol with 6x original protocol's volumes of reagents
Today Steven, Sam, and I met to talk about the issue with poor results on the QUbit and Nanodrop1000 on the pooled hemolymph samples I prepared. Short-term plan is to try out the RNA protocol, but multiply all reagents times 6 (so, use 6ml of RNAzol, etc.) to see if...
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Skyline DIA with new BLIB made using Walnut
Today Walnut finished up using Walnut to make a new BLIB file with the 2015 C.gigas Oysterseed raw files. Then, I used the new BLIB in SKyline, along with changing the minutes to 5, and double-checking I used the same .mzML files used in Walnut as my results in Skyline....
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Trying out Walnut; Crab Pool Update
Today I started using Walnut (upgraded PECAN) to create a new BLIB file for the 2015 Oysterseed project. Hopefully this will improve the error rates in Skyline. Also, I called Pam to work on the NPRB progress report. Additionally, I detail Sam’s updates on the status of the Crab pool...
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Crab Pools and Skyline Update
Today Sam speed vac-ed the pools and put them on ice. We mixed the samples and ran Qubit. The readings were way too low. Sam got out hte Nanodrop and we ran them on that… and the readings were bad. Since I am out of town the rest of this...
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