Today I worked on organization the hemolymph crab data and went to a workshop hosted by UW IT to learn about Audacity for Podcasts.
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Crab Meeting
Today we had our first crab project meeting. Our plan is to meet the first Thursday of the month (subject to change if need be).
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RNA isolation
Today I began the process of isolating RNA from the “official” crab hemolymph samples, although they can change if I mess things up, because there are many extra samples.
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Moving forward with DIA and plan for RNA isolation
I figured out how to upload results in Skyline such that there are 4 tabs (because I have 4 samples) and each tab has four files associated with it. Moving foward in DIA (confusion in determining error rate, so I’m stuck); plans for tomorrow and RNA isolation.
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Weekly wrap-up and goals for next week
Revisiting what I did last week and my goals for next week: DIA, podcast, RNA isolation.
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