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March Goals

Oyster paper read through paper (here) address Matt’s comments, read other papers he provided, and expand the context for the paper Possibly create new figures instead of the REVIGO dot plots (I received the script for creating Fig. 3 from Heckwolf et al. 2020, and we all really liked that... [Read More]

February Goals

Crab Pubathon started last week, and we decided to share our goals for the upcoming week. My goal for this upcoming week is to address athe last couple comments on the paper, and have it formatted for Scientific Reports - our target journal. I’m aiming to have this done by... [Read More]

How to Create and Publish a Podcast

In this post, I detail the steps that I took to create, edit, and publish DecaPod - the podcast used as a resource and outreach tool for the NPRB project (1705) that cromprised the majority of my MS thesis work. This may not be the most smooth or efficient way... [Read More]