Today I shipped samples to Genewiz for individual RNAseq. Details in post.

GitHub Issue #832

Picking samples

Sam, Steven, and I picked samples from this spreadsheet that had Hematodinium qPCR starting quantities that looked good, and we picked samples such that we followed individuals across the different sampling time points.

All samples we picked are in this spreadsheet, and then we further reduced it to 24 samples (samples with a “yes” in column H).

Prepping samples

Sam has been in contact with Genewiz and did all the paperwork. They only need at least 20ng total of RNA, with no minimum requirement for volume.

I aliquoted out different volumes from each of the 24 samples such that we had enough left for qPCR down the line, and such that there was at least 20ng of total RNA. Samples were aliquoted into 0.5ul tubes (requirement of Genewiz).

Samples that were sent: spreadsheet here

They were sent on overnight priority shipping on dry ice.