Today I chose some crab samples for RNA extraction. I made a chart with the tube numbers for the samples. All crabs are immature males. Due to a massive die-off in the warm temperature treatment groups, we unfortunately only have two infected and one uninfected sample per the final two...
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qPCR Machine arrival and training and Crab data and DIA updates
New qPCR machine arrived, training with Brian, and preliminary crab hemolymph sample picking for RNA isolation.
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DIA Next Steps and Crab Data Spreadsheet
I posted the crab data from Pam to Owl, and I hear back from Emma in regards to my error rates.
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Crab Hemolymph Data Sheets Received
Today I received the data on the crab sampling. I am having a hard time connecting to Owl, so I’ll upload it and amend this post with a link to the spreadsheet when I can connect later.
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Finished Determining Error Rate for DIA
Finished determining error rate for the DIA analysis and sent my results to Emma. Also, include some background info on the 2015 Oysterseed project.
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