Today I updated the RNA isolation protocol based on info from Sam, and I made some mistakes in isolating RNA today. Ran Qubit.
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Trying to understand error rate in Skyline and Running Qubit
Today I finish the error rate determination in Skyline and hope that I did it right so that I can move on with the DIA analysis. I also run Qubit to quanitify the RNA in my samples I extracted from.
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Isolating RNA and trying to check Skyline error rates
I isolate RNA from another batch of 9 samples (3 crabs) and I try to understand what I’m doing in terms of determining peak-picking error rate.
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Re-do DIA, thinking about error rate determination
I re-do the DIA analysis from step one. I’m still unsure how to do error rate determination. The protocol is not clear on how to do this.
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Input from Emma on DIA and RNA isolation starts!
Get some input from Emma on DIA and I start isolating RNA.
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